Last Issue of Dandelion (37.3)

So the last issue of Dandelion is out. That's right, the last one. No more after this one, I learned last week or so. And what a beautiful issue this is.

Here is the description by editors Jake Kennedy and kevin mcpherson eckhoff:
"Poetry Galore is 50% poetry and 50% galore. Hey! Every poet knows some quote nonpoets unquote! Let's play mix-em-up! We did. Now--who's whose? They are! Everyone be a poets! Now everyone be a buyer of the issue with your moneydollars, billysillies! On the truth. Avec Francais? Oui!"
The last issue features work by Claire Donato, Elisabeth Donato, Jeff T. Johnson, Kate Mercier, Peter McDonald, Michael Vorhis, Emily Fedoruk, Debbie Bouska, Jenny Sampirisi, William Ashman, Chantal Neveu (tr. Angela Carr), Pierrette Valois Neveu, Alicia Escott and yours truly.

Upon receiving it, I couldn't help but check first Angela Carr's translation of Chantal Neveu's coït. I wanted to translate this book the moment it came out, when I went to Montréal in 2010 and stayed with Chantal. But this is probably Chantal's most ambitious work and as such I felt a bit intimidated by the way the book exists architecturally, how the first half is rewoven to construct the second half. It's a little difficult to see it with such a short excerpt (which comes from the first half of the book. I published an excerpt from the second half in my dossier on poetry from Québec in New American Writing). So I am very glad that Angela Carr translated the book instead, a translation that Bookthug just released.


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