So those are some of the pages Lauren and I are currently working on. They are currently in Lauren's hand and we'll see what we are going to add to them once I am in San Francisco at the end of next week (10 days until I get there, San Francisco readers).

Also of note, I had not listened to jazz trumpet player Chris Botti before, having dismissed him as another elevator muzak musician in the mold of Kenny G, but what he says here in the Houston Press about the media presence of instrumentalists is quite fascinating. Substitute "instrumentalist" for "poet." Now, does it sound familiar? More appropriate than Billy Collins's introduction to the 2006 edition of Best American Poetry?
(Update 7:12PM: Just re-read the penultimate of the Botti profile and there is something that bugs me about Botti talking about musicians "some of us are playing music that is purposefully way over everyone's head, music that sounds like a math test." It might be just me, but I feel a bit of disparagement in that comment. At least, Botti writes "some of us" and doesn't call it "crap," like a certain former Poet Laureate would have had.)