New Issue of New American Writing

ISSUE #29 of New American Writing, our 25th anniversary issue, and our 40th year of publishing OINK! (until 1985) and New American Writing since 1986. Orderr through CCNOW or by sending a check for $15 (this issue) or $36 (three issues) to NAW, 369 Molino Avenue, Mill Valley CA 94941.

In this issue, cover by Anna Gaskell, (untitled #2, wonder):

Swenson, Joron, Revell, Ramke, Shurin, Tardos, Eshleman, Equi, Waldrep, Mullen, Lease, de la Perriere, Schultz, Olson, Turcot, Gagnon, S. Savage, LaFleur, Avasilichioaei, Neveu, Lussier, A. Carr, Farah, Canty, Ruiz, Garthe, Wilkinson, K. Wagner, Turcotte, Carr, Mutschlecner, Kelsey, Hogue, Potts, Latta, Irwin, McKinney, Coulton, Loden, Kocot, Bendall, Platt, J. Wagner, Pethybridge, Lewis,. Ducharme, Clements, Wickswo, Norton, Caspers, Schultz, McSweeney, Miller, Tomash, Molinary, Bellflower, Martinez, Heide, Frym, Dailey, Kostelanetz, Tu, Steward, Maxwell, Winter, Laidlaw, Rebele, Terris, Dentz, Bentley. Translations by Luong and Moorhead. 198 pages.


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