"What's wrong with writing in a language to which you have no historical connection?"


John Sakkis said…
ryoko sekiguchi (last name spelled all the fuck wrong)...(first name possibly as well.)

i saw her when she came to the poetry center a few years back...fantastic stuff...duration press published a chapbook of hers...

by the way, it's confirmed, stacy will be teaching in the fall.
Johannes said…
What's a historical connection to a language?
François Luong said…
john: awesome. i'll have to talk to her during orientation to see what she is teaching, because it doesn't appear on the class schedule.

johannes: a historical connection to a language is when a poet tries to resolve daddy/mommy issues with language.
Sasha said…
Hey, cmon, what about Chompsky's so-called "nativism," and the Cartesian Linguistics!?

anyway, I've become so pretentious that I wear t-shirts inside out and eat fruit from dumpsters. Beat that.

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