Richard Serra in Le Monde
"Mon premier public est constitué des gens impliqués dans la fabrication. Ce peut être les ingénieurs, les ouvriers des aciéries, et les installateurs. Je ne fais pas une sculpture particulière pour eux, mais les installateurs sont le premier public. Ceux qui permettent la construction de l'oeuvre en connaissent plus à son propos que n'importe qui."
"My first audience is made of people involved in manufacture. They may be engineers, steel workers, and installers. I do not sculpture specifically for them, but the installers are the first audience. Those who facilitate the construction of the piece know more about it than anyone else."
"My first audience is made of people involved in manufacture. They may be engineers, steel workers, and installers. I do not sculpture specifically for them, but the installers are the first audience. Those who facilitate the construction of the piece know more about it than anyone else."