stay tuned for melancholia's tremulous dreadlocks .. 2!


...jenna cardinale

...caleb puckett

...scott keeney

...glenn bach

...mary kasimor

...christine hamm

...donald illich

...kudra delaney

...pierre joris

...reb livingston

...louise landes levi

...jessy randall

...françois luong

...tomaz salamun

...elizabeth kate switaj

grab your goodnplenties and your soda or your brew ...we promise that you'll not be disappointed!...


melancholia's tremulous dreadlocks is a bi-weekly journal of poetry and curious bits edited by andrew lundwall and françois luong (starting with issue #3)


Johannes said…

that's totally insane in the membrane.
right. what i was thinking. biweekly? that's enough to turn somebody daffy ducky.


and good luck.
François Luong said…
johannes: obviously, andrew and i are quite insane.

lrs: thanks. andrew is actually daffy duck, while i am elmer food.
Johannes said…
Alright, well everybody seems to be on the same page when it comes to the lunacy charge.
csperez said…
can't wait to see it!
Eric said…
It stands to be said again: bi-weekly?

I hope God is paying you good money for this.
François Luong said…
God pays us very good money.

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