Outside Voices

So Jessica has decided to postpone/abandon her (anti-)anthology project. Bummer. But even in intangible terms, the anthology has been the cause of a couple of friendships and my current residence. I started corresponding with John Sakkis and Logan Ryan Smith because of the anthology, which led to my correspondence with Lauren Kohne and the subsequent move to San Francisco and grad school application to SFSU.

Oh, and in case this wasn't obvious already, blowfish is on an indefinite hiatus. I am too busy translating, writing and working, while Koshkin is busy moving.


Amish Trivedi said…

the person out here has also abandoned any readings, etc. Can't say I blame him...

I guess I'll go back to my quiet little job now..... :)

Further comments KILLED (mwahaha)
Jessica Smith said…


i'm glad it brought some people together though.

it's kind of funny that the anti-anthology won't exist. that's kind of appropriate. i wish i were clever enough to have planned that all along. would've saved me lots of time and stress.
François Luong said…
amish: you've been foiled.

jess: much sadness indeed. i guess the anti-anthology will be one of those legendary objects that only exists in very rare print-out forms.
Amish Trivedi said…
OK- now I'm angry. This comment field is fucking deader than disco now.

Stop posting here! There's nothing to see!
richard lopez said…
bummer, since it seemed everytime i googled the name of a poet it took me to the outsider voices blog with its list of contributors. i suppose it is appropriate that an anti-anthology is one left to the air.
Jessica Smith said…
the website, btw, will still be up. so people can still find each other and stuff.

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