Fourier Transform

The formula above might interest Tawrin, since he is the only poet I know who has the sufficient programming skills to put this into an application.

One of the applications of the Fourier Transform is in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), in which a temporal function f(x) (in MRI, the response of the spin of a hydrogen atom to a magnetic pulse) is processed into a "spatial"/visual function F(k) (the image that appears on the MRI screen).

I was first introduced to the Fourier Transform in physics class, when I was attending the Université Louis Pasteur. Ever since I started writing again and got reacquainted with the procedural methods of OuLiPo, I have been wondering about how we could apply the Fourier Transform into a poetic procedure. Of course, most OuLiPo procedures are in a way an investigation of the structure of syntax and semantics, so a language-centered poetics would not fit the algorithm.

This is where, perhaps, visual and sounds poetries could come into play. Make the sound poem (or any spoken text) the temporal function f(x) and the result F(k) the visual poem (using the Inverse Transform, the first transform being a lot more difficult to put into application). But this does not have to stop here, of course. The values of F(k) tend to be whole (from what I remember, but I could be wrong) and limited to a certain range. Consequently, we could assign a word or sentence for each value of F(k) and see the resulting visual poem.

Any thoughts?


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