Regarding our conversation from Friday, Paul Otremba pointed me to The Mandrake Vehicles, by Oni Buchanan, published in Conduit (the current issue also has translations of Aase Berg by Johannes. I'm quite fascinated by how everything moves on the page rather than what is actually there. Of course, I'll give it more thought. But can this be done in print? I think Jessica and I wanted to do the same thing, but in reverse, with our vellum paper project.


Met with Tony (Hoagland) today and discovered he was now reading Tranströmer, whom he declares is his favorite Scandinavian poet right now.

I'm a bit unwilling to join the debate started by Johannes and Josh Corey regarding Tony's essay in Cortland Review on collage, fragment and juxtaposition, mostly because the more I read it, the more I see things that Tony and I discussed (although he then used the term "polyglot" rather than "heteroglossia"), and that Tony discussed with other people (such as Ellen Bryan Voigt).

On the other hand, I will have to disagree with Josh Corey's characterization of Tony's work as pseudopopulist and of his poetic preferences (the self-deprecating part, on the other hand, is true). Tony is not a poet like Billy Collins, even though on the surface, they are. Tony does appreciate complexity in poetry and is willing to approach poets who would seem antithetical to his aesthetic without being disparaging, such as Charles Bernstein or Bob Perelman (oh, yeah, Tony does dig those two).

But then, I'm just ranting about an aside ...


It's raining in Houston. If there is one thing to fear in Houston, it's not tornadoes or hurricanes (Rita was a joke). It's rain. Half of the city is flooded. Sugarland is flooded.

Rain is to Houston what earthquakes are to San Francisco. Watch people flee in terror after a rain forecast.


Okay, because I saw people I haven't seen in a while:
Brad Telford Gray: I'm really glad you are finally applying to grad programs. When I was 26, I was too afraid to do so. And comp lit should suit you well.
Me: Well, you know, now, when someone asks me if I am a MFA or PhD candidate, I won't have to say "Well, I'm a BA student."
BTG: Well, everyone thought you were a grad student (...) and really, you were an MFA student. You just didn't take the classes.

That was totally self-serving.


Anonymous said…
'have stretched while their words and fingers unfasten
every latch and hinge? I loosen until the ends of my hair sweep the ground
and let everyone take their shot at satisfaction

do you not notice my angles widening

and 'just ranting'

but wld ranting ofthis style so cool continue over melancholic clinamen. very nice very nice.

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