Today is an okay day. Rummy is gone, but many more people should be gone. Like Condi, Dubya, Dick and many others. Hopefully, this should happen in a couple of months. I don't have a problem seeing Nancy Pelosi as president. That would be a refreshing change.
On the Texas front, I am disappointed, but not surprised, to see Rick Perry win re-election for the Governship. But he won only by 40%. Chris Bell, the Democratic challenger, garnered about 30% of the vote while the two independents, Carol Keeton Strayhorn and Kinky Friedman got the rest. So, basically, 3 Texans out of 5 wanted Perry out. But Strayhorn and Friedman basically received the votes coming from angry Republicans and the moderates. Had they not run, I guess Bell would have won by a very slim margin.
But Nick Lampson won the seat formerly occupied by Tom DeLay, which is good news.
Now, Virginia voters, why did half of you vote for a racist, homophobic and violent prick like George Allen?