picture from the BBC

Today is an okay day. Rummy is gone, but many more people should be gone. Like Condi, Dubya, Dick and many others. Hopefully, this should happen in a couple of months. I don't have a problem seeing Nancy Pelosi as president. That would be a refreshing change.

On the Texas front, I am disappointed, but not surprised, to see Rick Perry win re-election for the Governship. But he won only by 40%. Chris Bell, the Democratic challenger, garnered about 30% of the vote while the two independents, Carol Keeton Strayhorn and Kinky Friedman got the rest. So, basically, 3 Texans out of 5 wanted Perry out. But Strayhorn and Friedman basically received the votes coming from angry Republicans and the moderates. Had they not run, I guess Bell would have won by a very slim margin.

But Nick Lampson won the seat formerly occupied by Tom DeLay, which is good news.

Now, Virginia voters, why did half of you vote for a racist, homophobic and violent prick like George Allen?


Jessica Smith said…
you should come visit me. you will see.
François Luong said…
A visit to Ms. Jessica Smith is planned, sometime between my visit to Lauren and Johnny in SF and AWP.
Jessica Smith said…
good plan.

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