I really want to take this class

881.01 Individual Vision: Poetry Machines Thurs 1235-320pm Paul Hoover
This graduate process class will focus on the use of formalist and constructivist methods in the creation of poetry including both traditional and innovative forms, cut-ups and computer randomization, collaborative procedures, aleatory composition, Oulipo, Flarf, and software programs such as Travesty and Janus Node designed for such writing. Students will be encouraged to allow for a wide range of production including lyrical and narrative poems and to explore what Jackson Mac Low called “intuitive composition.” Among other craft assignments, students will invent at least one unique poetry machine, or method, of their own.


Johannes said…
I want to take it too.

Gary said…
Travesty still exists? I wonder if it's the same program a bunch of us in San Francisco were using in the 80s, most notably Daniel Davidson, who filtered most of the work in _culture_ through it. It's a great program!
Unknown said…
Johannes: Well, now you can teach it too!

Gary: I'm sure it's the same program. And I didn't know you lived in San Francisco.

What interests me most in this is the creation of a writing machine. And the parallels between Flarf and OuLiPo (their use of algorithms that leads to a study of language, such as in Katie Degentesh's The Anger Scale). And how I will find a way to use the Fourier Transform. Ah! So many things to think about.
Gary said…
Yes, I was born & raised in California, went to SFSU from 1983-86 and then stayed in SF until 91.

I'm gonna have to go see if I can find me a downloadable Travesty now ...

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