

Gary posted some old comic of his the other day. The computer I am using right now (after my iBook was stolen) being fairly old (bought in 2000 or 2001), I am surprised to find relatively old files here.

Such as this one, drawn around 1999 or so, for Virginie Lebas's birthday. I had just made a "tradition" to draw one-page comics for friends' birthdays. Virginie's birthday was February 23rd, I think, and since I had already drawn one for Christelle Guntz's birthday on February 11th (forgive me, I am terribly slow at putting together a comic, as John can attest, which is why I don't start too many projects anymore)(I am not sure if I ever scanned this comic), I decided to draw each panel separately. They would later be put together with PageMaker (back when it was owned by Aldus)(and yes, I have lost that file).

The end result looked kinda like a page from Will Eisner's The Building, in that each panel was not limited by hard-line borders.

This panel was the penultimate of the page. The backdrop is Route du Polygone, the street where I lived at the time. And yes, it was inked with pen and Sharpie. I think my then roommate Antonin had borrowed my China Ink and inkbrushes at the time.

More juvenalia might be posted, if I don't feel too ashamed by them.


Gary said…
I like seeing the juvenalia. I also got to see all of your doodles on flickr, b/c I clicked on this first pic ... there's some great stuff there!
François Luong said…
Thanks, Gary. Not quite sure what's in the doodles folder really. I've become quite a flickr whore since I've upgraded to a pro account.

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