Observable Books still needs your help:
Received today:
Memories of my Melancholy Whores, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Thanks, Rodrigo)
Now, I am really wondering why my translation assignments have a weird religious bent.
I am also playing with the headlines of French newspaper Le Monde.
There was something else I wanted to write about, I forgot what ...
... Oh, yeah, the new issue of Foursquare is in the mail. Much good poetry, from I've seen.
And John also has a new poem on miPOesias.
For more, click here.Heading into the 2006-07 season, Observable Readings is cash poor. I think we have, like, $500 in the bank. If you know anything about anything, you know that ain't much. We have 25 poets traveling here to read, a brand new small press fair, and several other events coming up...
But we've received some good news!! For every dollar you contribute to Observable, the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission will contribute another (up to $1,400). It will probably look something like this:
So during the month of July we're having the first annual Observable Dollar campaign. Paypal us a buck, feel good about supporting the literary arts, and we'll also put your name and website link on the list of gentle citizens below (unless you say otherwise).
= $2
Received today:
Memories of my Melancholy Whores, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Thanks, Rodrigo)
Now, I am really wondering why my translation assignments have a weird religious bent.
I am also playing with the headlines of French newspaper Le Monde.
There was something else I wanted to write about, I forgot what ...
... Oh, yeah, the new issue of Foursquare is in the mail. Much good poetry, from I've seen.
And John also has a new poem on miPOesias.