It would be oh-so amusing to observe or to ignore, if not for the authoritarian bent shown by the other side and its call for violence upon he-who-does-adhere-to-the-program. And let us not forget the constant factual inaccuracies.
And yet we try to appease and to debate, all in the name of the democratic process, but is the debate even worth it when the premises underlying it are unsound and when your interlocutor does not even consider you human/American/etc.
Levinas writes of an ethics that tries go beyond history. But a logic of war pulls us back into it, making the ethical event impossible. Then what?
Edit 8:15 PM: More sections of the New York Times that help terrorists.
I hope that's not too errant a comment or anything ...
Like if it's more possible to negate the Other's role as a product of History when History is more acute for you as something "passed" rather than something "happening."
He probably talks about this somewhere and I'm just completely forgetting it.